Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Podcasts are a great idea if you know what you want. I found that the sites I checked out were really hard to use if you just wanted to check it out. Their subjects were too broad and not clearly defined; key words gave me too many hits and too many false hits. Also the main page for each series was only as good as it's description and tags. There was one for booktalks with over 350 casts. It looked good at first but with only title and author I found it daunting to identify YA titles.

Looking at the Merlin site was much easier because it directed me to websites that I was interested in with podcasts that I wanted to hear. I really liked Kankakee Public Library's site which had casts for YA topics so I added this into my Bloglines. Once I get my MP3 player, I'll try my hand at downloading!?!

Yahoo Podcasts
MERLIN podcasting learning link


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