Tuesday, July 31, 2007

ALA Notes

YALSA Beginner's Guide to Teens in Libraries

Friday, 6/22/2007 , 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Amy Alesio, Teen Coordinator at the Schaumburg (IL) Township District Library

Nick Buron, Queens Borough Public Library

This was an excellent preconference. Amy and Nick are very passionate about YA service and I'm still digesting it all.

Have your definition of teen and know it – can vary system to system – what is our mission for these kids?

Demographics – how many teens; who are they; where they are

School – graduation rate; college entrance; military

Social Services – foster care; assistance

Hang out – where – talk to them to find out

Great @ door when schools out and then 15 minutes later=are you settling in – give them the 15 minute window to unwind and then crack down

Amy had a 20% increase in programs after using MySpace


Find a way to say yes – don’t always say no

Follow up with teen service (or any for that matter) – Here’s the information you asked for, now go get an A – Let me know what grade we got (from a HCPL LA)

Interact while walking side by side to the stacks – don’t just want in front – use the opportunity

Bad behavior – "Selected" themselves to be kicked out – teens will live up to your expectations though

TAG project - $100 (can be fictional) what would you buy – make them stick to the budget – better idea of how material selected and get a feel for budgeting – work with Materials to actually let them buy a certain amount of material

PLA -LD Who's In Charge? I Am?! How to Be the Person in Charge; How to Train Your Staff to Be in Charge

Saturday, 6/23/2007 , 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Brett Lear, Jefferson County (CO) Public Library

Ann Bever, Assistant Manager, Dallas Public Library

Mary Jo Giudice, Branch Manager, Dallas Public Library

Marcia Trent, Branch Administrator, Dallas Public Library

Not a lot of new thoughts here but a very worthwhile session.

lead by example - be there, 1st in last out

buy donuts

get to know staff - listen - base approach on personality - find the best way to communicate with each person (don't' schedule morning meetings with a night person)

be accessible

confide in a plant or pet

solve problems quickly when possible

put yourself on hold - detach - avoid hurt feelings - end with laughter

give feedback generously - no such thing as over communication - monthly staff meetings, use of white and bulletin boards, put signs in bathrooms, kitchen/lounge, taped to tables

lead means to let go of the reigns - make staff part of process

management - directing resources and people - art or science of achieving goals through people

coach and mentor - hire for attitude, train for aptitude

don't just make decisions for staff - what do you want to do

ALSC Libraries + Lobbying = Success

Saturday, 6/23/2007 , 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Kathleein Reif, Director, St. Mary's County Library, MD

Maria Salvadore, Salvadore Consulting, DC

Emily Sheketoff, Associate Executive Director, Washington Office ALA

I hadn't anticipated attending this session, but another I tried to get into was so packed, I couldn't get in the door so this was my second choice and very interesting. Much of this was a review but sometimes hearing it in another way helps bring it home.

what do we want to achieve - am I asking the right questions - who is the right person to do the asking

keep message fresh - use stories shared w/passion

build local partnerships - get informed, get active

3 R's - Relationships, Resources, Results

relationships make the world go round - be in the community listening

how does my library help solve a problem - are we doing what we say we are doing - why does what I do matter

talk about your services in their language - not in library language

resources - never enough staff or money so get over it and do what you do

All staff need to know the marketing speech - 5 minute, 30 second and 90 second - why are we important - educate staff and customers

We are a trusted profession but if we don't make ourselves heard $ will be cut

results - significant programs & statistics - passionate stories of success

form relationships w/ local legislators - face-to-face best method for getting what matters to you across - keep it brief - connect it to the constituents

be specific, informative, courteous and follow up (shows you can and pay attention even if you don't get the desired result)

non-traditional allies - chamber of commerce, medical groups, children's literacy groups, authors, community leaders

use the media - we are the feel good story

Mario Ascencio’s REFORMA party

Mario has been a librarian in the DC area and passionately involved with REFORMA for years. His parties are always an interesting mix but this had a more library flair, celebrating his inauguration as president of REFORMA.

YALSA Trend Setters in Teen Literature

Sunday, 6/24/2007 , 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

This was a packed session and I had to find a spot on the floor. One of the panelists was Perry Moore who was the producer and force behind the recent Chronicles of Narnia movie. I really enjoyed his passion and look forward to reading his new novel, Hero. There was a lot to absorb and few notes but here are the highlights.

6 Trends

1. Books for older teens

2. Adult authors writing for teens

3. "Feminization" of literature - feature of women characters in fiction and NF, ethnically diverse role models

4. International authorship

5. New/Noteworthy forms - GN, series, continuations, diaries/letter forms, scripts, epic pagination, American ethnic experiences, companion novels, combined forms, contemporary realism

6. Content trends - genre fiction, fantasy, humor, biography

YA Taboo - falseness

AFL -FOLUSA Street Lit

Sunday, 6/24/2007 , 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

After how packed my first session was, I went into this early and boy was I glad I did. This room was tiny and by the time we started, every space on the floor and out the door was occupied. With Terri Woods, T.N. Baker and Darren Coleman speaking and signing books, I'm surprise it wasn't worse.

I don't have many notes from this session as they talked about their lives and how and why they write. It was fascinating and hard to write while they were talking. Terri Woods sequel to True to the Game is due out in November - fans will be so happy! She was the most passionate speaker of the panel and I was drawn to her story about how she turned to writing - She looked around one day and saw that everyone she knew was dead or locked up and that no drug dealer was coming to save her so she had to help herself.

They all acknowledged that Street Lit is a controversial genre but that they write about what the kids are exposed to so no wonder they are drawn to these books. Some of the librarians in the audience said that they pair the books with classics from Maya Angelou, Claude Brown, Richard Wright. It may not be instantaneous but over time, they have found it has worked.

YALSA Video Games as a Service: Hosting Tournaments @ your library

Sunday, 6/24/2007 , 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Eli Neiburger, Anne Arbor District Library

This final session of my weekend wasn't as hands on as I had hoped. The purpose of this session was more why you should do it and the successes that the presenters have had. Eli is putting out a book with AL Editions and that will contain the details as to how to put on tournaments.

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