Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Del.icio.us was a term that I didn't fully understand until I did this Thing. The term is bandied about so much but I did at least know that it was one of the new "social networking" sites out there. I definitely see the appeal of bookmarking your items where they are easily accessible but I've been doing that with Yahoo! Bookmarks for a while. I can see my stuff anywhere but can't share the whole list.

I see potential value for implementing this on the reference desk; all those sites that you need to use, some so infrequently that you never can find them when you need them. Personally though, I think that Del.icio.us looks like a confusing site. The search engine didn't seem so great and I'm still not convinced that tags are better than folders. I think I'm better off sticking with what my good old standby of Yahoo!

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