Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Technorati is a very interesting blog search engine. Back on Thing 8, I found a Jane Austen blog whose author has commented here, assisting me in my learning. If you're looking for blogs, this can be a very useful tool but I have so much on my plate that adding anymore info to it might make me melt. I don't like that the search brings you to posts tab first which can be overwhelming and have a lot of false hits.

The popular page is pretty predictable with a mix of celebrity, politics and pundits - Good to gage what's in right now.

Like many of these technology Things, I can see how I could spend my entire life wrapped up in this and forget to breath - So for now, I know how to use the tool and will remember it's out there when I need it.

1 comment:

IrmBrown said...

I understand completely! I really enjoy so many of these technologies, but I literally have to "stay away" or get sucked into the vacuum. Plus, I am currently running about 5 blogs... and I don't mean the ones here at work. But, as I told the other Jen... it's just important for now that we all "know" what's out there... before the next thing comes along. :-)